Saturday, November 5, 2016

मुसाफिर हूँ यारों

मुसाफिर हूँ यारों
ना घर है ना ठिकाना
मुझे चलते जाना है
बस चलते जाना

एक राह रुक गयी तो और जुड गयी
मैं मुड़ा तो साथ-साथ राह मुड़ गयी
हवा के परों पर मेरा आशियाना
मुसाफिर हूँ यारों...

दिन ने हाथ थाम कर इधर बिठा लिया
रात ने इशारे से उधर बुला लिया
सुबह से शाम से मेरा दोस्ताना
मुसाफिर हूँ यारों...

This song is a perfect depiction of what a traveler is. I want to be a traveler. I want to be an explorer. I want to be free. Caught in the responsibilities as most of you and me are, looking for every small outing, a time out with friends, a peaceful little break!

I want to go around, meet people, go places, capture the moments, share them. Some times with friends sometimes alone. I don't want to complain of my hectic schedules and responsibilities stopping me from enjoying my life.

Even if I am captured in the "मोह माया" of non-ending wishes and requirements, every possible moment I will sneak out, breathe some fresh air, rejuvenate myself, come back with more eagerness to make the trip again - some other place but with the same intent.